6 reasons why waking up early is beneficial

The birds chirping away to glory welcoming yet another day, the benign and rosy rays of the sun coloring the horizon, the world seems to be at peace and everything seems to have a fresh and untouched look. That is how mornings are anywhere in the world, that is if you wake up early enough to listen to the wonderful early morning symphony of nature. There are so many reasons why waking up early is so beneficial, let us look at some of the benefits that are apparent. The ancient Indian sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda advocate waking up early. A period of 90 minutes before sunrise is considered very auspicious and appropriate for study, meditation, worship, as it is believed that the mind is inherently still at this time and it is easier to concentrate during this time.

6 reasons why waking up early is beneficial

Based on my personal experiences here are 6 reasons why waking up early is so beneficial:

Creativity is at its Best


I have found that the creative juices flow more profusely in the early hours of the morning. It is easier to focus on your work as the world is still asleep and there is no disturbances. There is a strange calm in the mind which facilitates concentration. I have realized this earlier on during my student days when I would be able to study better during this early morning period. I have found that I turn out the best quality content during the early morning hours. Definitely a very important consequence of waking up early.

Get More Work Done and Faster


Another important benefit of waking up early that I have clearly seen is the fact that your productivity goes up drastically in the early morning hours. What work would normally take me a couple of hours gets done in half that time. Isn’t this amazing? So I end up doing quality work faster and in the bargain am able to do more work. Would you want to be waking up early to reap this benefit?

Have More Time On Hand


Waking up early also means that you stretch your day and end up having more time. You get a head start on others. When others are still yawning and sitting up in bed, you are already wide awake, fresh, and well into the day. Suddenly you are not rushed in your schedule and can prioritize and plan your day in a relaxed and calm manner minus all the stresses of modern day life. Do you want to improve your time management? Then waking up early is the answer.

Your Mind is Filled with Positivity


Waking up early seems to magically cleanse the mind of negative thoughts and attitudes. It is as if sparks of positivity have driven away from the negative from your mind and you are ready to take on the world. Even the toughest problems and challenges seem to shrink in the face of this positivity. You will feel recharged and rejuvenated and will be enveloped by a feeling of well being that will remain with you for the rest of the day.

You are in Harmony with Nature


Waking up early gives you a chance to be in harmony with nature. Just looking up at the skies or the rising sun is enough to give you a feeling of bliss, a feeling of being one with the environment, a feeling of being at peace with oneself and the world. Can anything be more magical than watching a sunrise? How often do you catch a sunrise?

You Make New Friends


If you are waking up early and venturing outdoors for a walk or jog, the world seems to be somehow different as it is not yet illuminated by stark daylight. Somehow everything seems innocent, pristine, and true. You are sure to end up making new friends as I do!

These are only some of the benefits of waking up early. There are manifold benefits of waking up early. The body, the mind, and the soul reap huge benefits by waking up early. Apart from that, there are so many practical benefits of waking up early which makes it a very healthy practice to adopt in ones’ life. Many of the highly successful people in the world are known to be early risers, some of the famous early risers include Barack Obama, Margaret Thatcher, Tim Armstrong the CEO of AOL, Robert Iger the CEO of Disney and many others.

Waking up early is indeed one great way of celebrating life, isn’t it?

Are you an early riser? What are your experiences of waking up early? Do let us know your thoughts through the comments section. Your opinions are eagerly looked forward to and welcome. They are sure to make our day brighter and propel us to give off our creative best.


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